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XXI koolist XXI sajandi haridus

XXI koolist XXI sajandi haridus

Nesting Tree (’Pesapuu’) – the school song since 1982

A nesting tree is our school
The branches of which
Are full of cheeping and chirping fledglings.
A nesting tree is our school
And when the time comes
We take wings in thousands and thousands together!

Lyrics by Ellen Niit, Music by Veljo Tormis

TALLINN 21st SCHOOL is a century-old municipal school that promotes quality education and maintains its traditions and trends.

While being one of the biggest schools in Tallinn, as well as in Estonia, with its nearly 1400 students and over 80 full-time teachers, it has been consistently ranked among the top ten secondary schools in Estonia. Every year, approximately 95% or more of our graduates continue their studies in various universities both in Estonia and abroad.

The motto of the school is „Education for the 21st century from TALLINN 21st SCHOOL”, since the organisation of studies in TALLINN 21st SCHOOL is closely linked with the requirements of European competences and key skills.

TALLINN 21st SCHOOL was founded as a boys’ elementary school in 1903.

Today both elementary as well as secondary education is provided in TALLINN 21st SCHOOL.

At elementary and lower-secondary levels, students can study in 3 variaties of classes specialising either in Music, English, or Robotics and Entrepreneurship.  At upper-secondary level, students are also taught in 3 varieties of classes – specialising either in English and International Relations, Humanities, or Science.

Specialised classes in music areorganised into smaller groups from year 2 onward. Special focus is paid to learning to play the recorder, the guitar and other musical instruments. Additionally, students are subjected to in-depth learning in reading notes and the basics of electronic music.

 Learning English in specialised classes starts in year 2 and is conducted in smaller language groups. Additionally, such courses as practical English through IT, Cooperation Teamwork, British and American History and Culture, Conversation, and Social Skills are taught through the medium of the English language.

 Specialised classes in Entrepreneurship and Robotics follow the new curriculum that has innovative subjects such as Robotics and entrepreneurship well integrated with Maths and Natural Science. Additionally, the basics of economics are introduced through courses of mini-student companies and strategic games.

 At upper secondary level the curriculum is comprised of compulsory courses based on the national curriculum, courses related to the special field of study, and elective courses (in total 11 elective courses during the upper-secondary school) chosen by the students. The elective courses offered by the school range from Philosophy and National Defence to Graphical Design and Applied Chemistry. In addition, students are also encouraged to attend courses provided by Tallinn Technical University, Tallinn University and by the Youth Academy of the University of Tartu.

Specialised classes in Science provide in-depth study in natural and exact science subjects, coding and entrepreneurship. The curriculum in the given classes aims at developing a greater interest in science-related subjects and advanced knowledge in entrepreneurship, as well as enhancing such general competences as logical and well-argued discussion, the ability to reason, conclude and verify, and practical application of the knowledge gained in classes.

Specialised classes in English and International Relations aim at developing greater interest in the history and culture of English-speaking countries and provide preparation for the internationally certified language exam of CAE. The courses directly related to the given special field of study are CLIL-based courses focusing on discussion, as well as critical and logical thinking. As of 2019, additional courses are offered in International Economy and Protocol and Etiquette.

Specialised classes in Humanities  cater to in-depth studies in social sciences, media and art. The given special field of study aims at developing greater interest in the ongoing processes and changes in society, as well as how to view various theories critically, to value cultural diversity and create an active and knowledgeable citizen.

TALLINN 21st SCHOOL has been awarded with the Entrepreneurial School 2017. The Entrepreneurial Schools Award is a European recognition of the best schools in entrepreneurship education.

TALLINN 21st SCHOOL aims to maintain its excellent reputation and solidity in society and provide its students with competitive quality education. It is our challenge to function as an engaging, inspiring and effective school.

Middle school specialises in: Secondary school specialises in:
  • Music classes
  • English classes
  • Entrepreneurship-robotics classes
  • Sciences
  • The English language and international relations
  • Social studies and humanities

At present our school has 45 year groups comprising 1387 students:

  • Primary school – 335 students
  • Lower Middle School – 343 students
  • Upper Middle School – 368 students
  • Upper Secondary School – 341 students

and 95 teachers.

The school supports fully the development of each student to value the acquisition of knowledge, gain self-confidence, and be independent learners, ready to take their place as responsible citizens.

Our motto is: The 21st century education from TALLINN 21st SCHOOL!

Critical Thinking
Innovation in learning